Dive into our extensive collection of mouthwatering recipes that showcase the versatility of Mazola Oil. From appetizers to desserts, our recipes are crafted to bring out the best flavors and nourish your body. Get inspired and elevate your culinary skills.
Buka puasa ga pake gorengan rasanya kurang lengkap. Makanya langsung recook aja yuk resep bakwan jagung kemangi dari Mazola, dengan rasa manis, gurih dan asin. Cocok banget buat buka puasa bersama keluarga!
Get your chopsticks ready!🥢🥟 Try our mouthwatering Chinese Dumplings recipe for the upcoming Chinese New Year!🏮 With Mazola cooking oil, you’ll achieve the perfect golden brown crust and a deliciously juicy filling😋 Get ready to impress your taste buds and share the joy with your loved ones! ❤️ Ingredients: 200g ground meat 8-10 medium-sized shrimp […]
Love crispy snacks? Give these homemade Crispy Seaweed Crackers a try! They’re super easy to make, and when you fry them up with Mazola cooking oil, you’ll get that irresistible crunch and amazing flavor. Snack time just got better! 😋🥢 Ingredients:1 egg6 pieces spring roll wrapper6 pieces roasted seaweed1/2 tsp pepper1/2 tsp saltMazola oil Instructions: […]
Mengidam snek yang rangup, pedas, dan sedapppp?😋 Try la resepi Karipap kegemaran ramai ni! Hidangan minum petang yang lazat dibuat dengan minyak Mazola, sekali cuba pasti nak lagi!🥟 BAHAN-BAHANMinyak Mazola5g garam220g tepung gandum370ml air1 sudu besar bawang merah,hiris2 ulas bawang putih,kisar5g udang kering,kisar1 tangkai daun kari1 1⁄2 sudu kecil serbuk kari320g kentang, potong dadu CARA […]
Now you can make Best Pattaya Fried Rice in Town at your home! Here’s the foolproof recipe.
Finding a delicious Vegan recipe can be tricky. Well, why worry when Mazola is here for you, ALWAYS! Here’s a super delicious Vegan Char Kuey Teow Recipe for everyone.
Resipi vegetarian mudah untuk semua, Nasi Goreng Vegan. Bukan saja sedap, ia juga juga sihat! Resipi untuk semua dan jangan lupa untuk menggunakan minyak masak MAZOLA untuk masakan yang lebih sihat.
An easy yet delicious and healthy recipe, The Chinese Fried Rice. With easy steps and ingredients, this meal can be cooked in less than 30 minutes. Get your MAZOLA oils today to cook Chinese Fried Rice in an even healthier way!