Dive into our extensive collection of mouthwatering recipes that showcase the versatility of Mazola Oil. From appetizers to desserts, our recipes are crafted to bring out the best flavors and nourish your body. Get inspired and elevate your culinary skills.
Menu simple dan sehat karena tinggi protein. Cocok banget buat MazoFams yang lagi diet!! Cara bikinnya gampang rasanya simple gurih bikin nagih. Langsung recook yuk MazoFams!
Resep tumis buncis bawang putih! Sayuran yang bisa bantu turunkan kolesterol MazoFams. Yuk langsung recook aja dirumah, cara masaknya gampang dan simple banget, tapi soal rasa dijamin gurih banget!
🎣 Reel in the compliments with our Fish Head Curry Recipe! This aromatic dish is a feast for the senses, and when cooked with Mazola cooking oil, every bite is infused with perfection. Let’s get cooking!😋 Ingredients 1 fish 3 tsp tamarind paste 800ml water 8 garlic clove(s) 3 shallot(s) 10 chilli peppers (dried) 50g […]
Add some excitement to your mealtime with our Hokkien Mee Recipe!🍜🔥 Made with Mazola oil for that perfect sizzle, this classic Singaporean dish promises to delight your taste buds😋 Ingredients 250g beef tenderloin 1kg beef rib bones 300g shelled prawns 500g shrimp heads and shells 1/2 cup dried baby shrimps 3 litres water 2 tbsp […]
Feel the essence of Singapore through our Singapore Katong Laksa recipe! 🍜💖 Crafted with genuine flavors and Mazola oil, this spicy coconut curry soup is a must for every laksa enthusiast. Get set to savor a bowl of heartwarming goodness! 🥄🌟 Ingredients Spice Paste: 15 dried red chillies 75g dried shrimp 100g shallots (peeled) 5 […]
🍤 Craving a taste of Singapore? Let’s try our Singapore Cereal Prawns Recipe! 🇸🇬✨ With Mazola oil adding its magic touch, these crispy and flavorful prawns will transport you straight to the streets of Singapore. Get cooking and enjoy the deliciousness! 🍽️🌟 Ingredients 2 ½ tbsp all-purpose flour 2 ½ tbsp cornflour 1 egg 1 […]
Crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside—that’s the magic of Har Cheong Gai! Our simple Shrimp Paste Chicken recipe is a surefire way to satisfy your cravings🍤🍗 With Mazola cooking oil, it’ll cook to perfection and your family will be asking for seconds!😍 INGREDIENTS 500g chicken wings Mazola oil for frying Batter: ¼ cup […]
Craving a dish that’s crispy on the outside and soft on the inside? Our Vegan Chai Tow Kway, Fried Carrot Cake recipe is the answer! Made with a touch of Mazola oil, these golden cubes are packed with flavor and texture✨ The secret to the perfect crispy texture is our trusted cooking oil😋 INGREDIENTS For […]