Sweet Recipes

Dive into our extensive collection of mouthwatering recipes that showcase the versatility of Mazola Oil. From appetizers to desserts, our recipes are crafted to bring out the best flavors and nourish your body. Get inspired and elevate your culinary skills.

Pistachio Baklava

Baklava is a traditional Turkish Dessert which is loved by many Bruneians – Making Baklavas using Mazola Canola Oil is the best option to have your desserts clean, healthy and definitely tasty.

Cekodok Pisang

Teatime is our favourite meal of the day! Lets make crunchy, fluffy and tasty Cekodok Pisang with Mazola Oil today.

Banana Cake

MAZOLA brings you the delicious Banana Cake recipe so that you can enjoy everyone’s favorite fruit in an even more delicious dish! Not only that, Banana Cake is an incredibly healthy dish for you and your loved ones.

Kek Batik Dark Chocolate Ganache

Impress your loved ones and guests this Hari Raya with our Kek Batik Dark Chocolate Ganache Recipe! It is a simple yet exquisite indulgence suitable for any celebration and festive moods.

Pumpkin Muffin

With Mazola Oil, everything gets better and healthier. That’s not a statement but a fact. Pumpkins contain high antioxidant content just like how Mazola Oil does. What great combo will it be if we use them both for a delicious Pumpkin Muffin recipe.

Healthy Ais Krim Goreng

Who doesn’t love Ais Krim Goreng? It is so crispy on the outside and chilly on the inside. Just the perfect dessert anybody can make at home, even more fun with Mazola Oil.

Kek Minyak Red Velvet

Kek Minyak is a delicious dessert with just the right amount of sweetness. You can make it a healthy dessert with Mazola Oil Let’s try a worth trying recipe, Kek Minyak Red Velvet .

Cream Puff Sihat

Cream Puffs need western techniques and skills? Not at all Here’s the recipe on how you can make Cream Puffs using Mazola Oil at home