Dive into our extensive collection of mouthwatering recipes that showcase the versatility of Mazola Oil. From appetizers to desserts, our recipes are crafted to bring out the best flavors and nourish your body. Get inspired and elevate your culinary skills
Butuh opsi lain selain bakwan? Cobain Sweetcorn Fritters, kudapan sehat dan renyah yang mudah dibuat! Dengan Mazola Corn Oil, rasanya lebih ringan dan pas disandingkan dengan salsa segar. Cocok untuk camilan keluarga atau teman ngobrol sore.
Bekal sehat nggak perlu ribet! Tumis Brokoli Wortel dengan Mazola Soya Bean Oil bisa siap dalam hitungan menit, lezat, dan penuh nutrisi. Mazola Soya Bean Oil juga memiliki rasa khas kedelai yang cocok untuk masakan berbahan dairy. Save konten ini untuk resep sehatmu!
Musim hujan emang paling enak makan yang anget-anget seperti sup krim jagung ayam ini! Selain bisa menghangatkan tubuh, rasanya yang creamy dan gurih juga bikin nagih. So, jangan lupa recook ya MazoFams!
Dessert but healthy?! Karena terbuat dari tahu dan yuzu yang kaya akan manfaat. Yuja Tofu Crème Brûlée by Chef Edward lee ini bisa banget masuk ke list healthy dessert kamu!
Pecinta sayur bening harus banget nih cobain resep sayur bening oyong! Karena memang se comfort itu, perpaduan hangat kuahnya dan tekstur oyong yang lembut, bisa banget dikonsumsi saat MazoFams gak punya selera makan.
It’s protein time! MazoFams tau gak sih, ternyata masih banyak orang Indonesia yang kekurangan protein loh. Nah, jadi gak ada salahnya nih masak menu yang tinggi protein di rumah seperti Sapo Tahu Telur ini. Nikmat banget dimakan saat hangat, karena bisa jadi comfort food buat MazoFams.
Siapa nih yang skin care nya mahal? Untungnya ada ceker ayam!! Yuk konsumsi skin care MazoFams dari sekarang dengan Sop Ceker Ayam Sayur ini. Caranya mudah dan harga bahan-bahannya juga murah, the best banget deh pokoknya!
Who loves Pumpkin? Makanan khas perayaan Halloween ini ternyata gampang banget. Cocok juga dijadikan menu saat MazoFams kurang sehat dan gak nafsu makan nasi.
MazoFams suka horor vibes dan suka cemal-cemil? Wajib recook kue labu berhantu khas Halloween. Resepnya gampang diikuti dan cocok banget jadi teman minum kopi! So tunggu apalagi, langsung recook sekarang ya MazoFams!
Daging bagian dada merupakan salah satu bagian paling sehat loh MazoFams. Selain sehat, ada banyak banget menu yang bisa MazoFams bikin, salah satunya ayam teriyaki! Buat MazoFams yang mau coba, cus langsung recook aja yuk menunya!
Siapa yang suka tempura ala Jepang? Yuk bikin pakai resep dari Mazola. Gampang banget loh caranya, daripada beli di luar mending bikin sendiri. Bisa dapat banyak dan lebih sehat!
Tumis Kangkung jadi salah satu makanan favorit keluarga Indonesia, karena mudah dibuat dan rasanya yang enak! Ada banyak banget cara menumis kangkung, salah satunya jadi kangkung saus tiram ala Mazola. Kalau penasaran hasil resepnya, yuk MazoFams langsung recook aja, karena emang segampang itu!
Telur dadar ala rumah makan padang itu emang beda ya MazoFams rasanya. Lebih gurih dan lebih tebal. Tapi ternyata gampang banget kan cara bikinnya! So, tunggu apalagi, jangan lupa recook dan masak pakai Mazola ya!
Buka puasa ga pake gorengan rasanya kurang lengkap. Makanya langsung recook aja yuk resep bakwan jagung kemangi dari Mazola, dengan rasa manis, gurih dan asin. Cocok banget buat buka puasa bersama keluarga!
Gorengan tahu bakso jadi salah satu camilan favorit keluarga Indonesia. Apalagi kalau bikin sendiri dan dimakan pakai cabe rawit pas lagi anget-angetnya… yumm bikin nagih ya MazoFams. Yuk MazoFams langsung recook tahu bakso ala Mazola di rumah!
Brownies panggang rumahan. Cocok banget loh buat dijadikan hadiah untuk orang tersayang di hari kasih sayang. Rasanya yang manis, melambangkan kasih sayang dan perasaan yang tulus. Yuk MazoFams, coba recook menunya dan berikan ke orang tersayang dengan bahagia!
Menu simple dan sehat karena tinggi protein. Cocok banget buat MazoFams yang lagi diet!! Cara bikinnya gampang rasanya simple gurih bikin nagih. Langsung recook yuk MazoFams!
Resep tumis buncis bawang putih! Sayuran yang bisa bantu turunkan kolesterol MazoFams. Yuk langsung recook aja dirumah, cara masaknya gampang dan simple banget, tapi soal rasa dijamin gurih banget!
🎣 Reel in the compliments with our Fish Head Curry Recipe! This aromatic dish is a feast for the senses, and when cooked with Mazola cooking oil, every bite is infused with perfection. Let’s get cooking!😋 Ingredients 1 fish 3 tsp tamarind paste 800ml water 8 garlic clove(s) 3 shallot(s) 10 chilli peppers (dried) 50g […]
Add some excitement to your mealtime with our Hokkien Mee Recipe!🍜🔥 Made with Mazola oil for that perfect sizzle, this classic Singaporean dish promises to delight your taste buds😋 Ingredients 250g beef tenderloin 1kg beef rib bones 300g shelled prawns 500g shrimp heads and shells 1/2 cup dried baby shrimps 3 litres water 2 tbsp […]
Feel the essence of Singapore through our Singapore Katong Laksa recipe! 🍜💖 Crafted with genuine flavors and Mazola oil, this spicy coconut curry soup is a must for every laksa enthusiast. Get set to savor a bowl of heartwarming goodness! 🥄🌟 Ingredients Spice Paste: 15 dried red chillies 75g dried shrimp 100g shallots (peeled) 5 […]
🍤 Craving a taste of Singapore? Let’s try our Singapore Cereal Prawns Recipe! 🇸🇬✨ With Mazola oil adding its magic touch, these crispy and flavorful prawns will transport you straight to the streets of Singapore. Get cooking and enjoy the deliciousness! 🍽️🌟 Ingredients 2 ½ tbsp all-purpose flour 2 ½ tbsp cornflour 1 egg 1 […]
Crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside—that’s the magic of Har Cheong Gai! Our simple Shrimp Paste Chicken recipe is a surefire way to satisfy your cravings🍤🍗 With Mazola cooking oil, it’ll cook to perfection and your family will be asking for seconds!😍 INGREDIENTS 500g chicken wings Mazola oil for frying Batter: ¼ cup […]
Craving a dish that’s crispy on the outside and soft on the inside? Our Vegan Chai Tow Kway, Fried Carrot Cake recipe is the answer! Made with a touch of Mazola oil, these golden cubes are packed with flavor and texture✨ The secret to the perfect crispy texture is our trusted cooking oil😋 INGREDIENTS For […]
Layers of happiness await with our Kuih Lapis recipe!🤍🩷 Made with love and Mazola Oil, this traditional treat is a true masterpiece. The smooth texture and delicate flavors will transport you to dessert heaven. Our recipe, enriched with Mazola oil, guarantees layers of happiness😋✨ Ingredients 350g Tapioca flour 100g Rice flour 50g Sago flour 500ml […]
Hop into the kitchen and give our lip-smacking Loh Bak recipe a try!🍽️ Discover the magic of Mazola oil as it transforms your dish into a crispy, flavorful delight😋🥢 Recipe below👇🏻 Ingredients 500g lean meat 100g jicama 5 water chestnuts 1 red onion 1 cucumber 500ml Mazola oil for frying Marinade: 3 tbsp sugar 2 […]
Get your chopsticks ready!🥢🥟 Try our mouthwatering Chinese Dumplings recipe for the upcoming Chinese New Year!🏮 With Mazola cooking oil, you’ll achieve the perfect golden brown crust and a deliciously juicy filling😋 Get ready to impress your taste buds and share the joy with your loved ones! ❤️ Ingredients: 200g ground meat 8-10 medium-sized shrimp […]
Love fried rice?🍤🐙🍗 Try the delicious Nasi Goreng USA made with Mazola cooking oil!😋🥢 Cook it at home with Mazola for a mouthwatering experience! Recipe below. Ingredients: 2 tbsp Mazola oil 2 garlic clove 1 cm ginger 2 tbsp chilli paste 100g chicken meat 1⁄2 capsicum 1 onion 2 tomato 2 tbsp tomato sauce 1⁄2 […]
Spice up your day with our Nasi Katok recipe! 🍛🌶️ Mazola oil makes it even better with its rich flavor and perfect texture. Try it out, snap a pic of your dish and tag us! We’re excited to see your tasty creations! 📸 Ingredients: 4 chicken thighs 1 egg 25g flour 25g cornstarch Mazola oil […]
Ambuyat fans, we’ve got something special for you! Dive into our simple and yummy Ambuyat recipe. Using Mazola cooking oil, you can achieve the perfect consistency and flavor. Share your Ambuyat pics! 📸💬 Ingredients 1 cup sago starch (also known as ambulong or ambuyat flour) 4-5 cups water Fried fish or shrimp (optional) Fresh vegetables […]
Check out our Kuih Sapit recipe! This crispy treat is perfect for any occasion, and with Mazola oil, it turns out extra delicious every time. Give it a try and share your baking adventures with us! 📸👩🏻🍳 Ingredients 220 grams of wheat flour 60 grams of rice flour 1 coconut 5 eggs 250 grams of […]
🍪 Healthy cookies? Yes, please! Our recipe with Mazola oil is the perfect way to enjoy a sweet treat without the guilt. Ingredients For the cookies: 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt ¾ cup Mazola oil 1 cup sugar 1 large egg, slightly beaten 3 tablespoons whipping cream 1 […]
🌶️ Craving a fiery feast? Our Sarawak Laksa Recipe is here to spice things up!🔥 Don’t forget to cook it with Mazola oil for that perfect balance of flavor and healthiness. Let’s whip up some magic in the kitchen! 🥢 Ingredients 300g rice vermicelli, presoaked until just soft 300g yellow noodles 300g sarawak laksa paste […]
🍜 Craving some Penang Hokkien Mee? 🤤 Let’s whip up this flavorful dish together! Our secret ingredient? Mazola cooking oil, of course! It brings out the authentic taste and makes every bite just perfect👩🍳👨🍳 Ingredients 250g beef tenderloin 1kg beef rib bones 300g shelled prawns 500g shrimp heads and shells 1/2 cup dried baby shrimps […]
Discover the secret to perfect Kuih Bahulu by adding Mazola oil! ✨ Experience the essence of Malaysian culinary heritage with this light, fluffy treat that’s perfect for any occasion. Let Mazola be your trusted partner in creating culinary delights that bring joy to every table. Ingredients 3 large eggs 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla […]
Dive into Malaysian flavors with our Nasi Goreng Kampung recipe!🌶️🐟 This signature Malay dish is bursting with flavor from dried anchovies and bird’s eye chilies. Cook it up with Mazola oil for a perfect blend of taste and health🍚 Ingredients 2 tbsps of Dried Anchovies 2-3 tbsps of Mazola oil 2 Servings of Cooked Rice […]
Whip up a batch of Apam Balik with our mouthwatering recipe!🥞 Thanks to Mazola cooking oil, each pancake is irresistibly crispy on the outside and irresistibly delicious on the inside!😋 INGREDIENTS Batter: Mazola oil for frying 1 cup all purpose flour ½ cup self rising flour ¾ teaspoon baking soda ⅛ teaspoon salt 1 ½ […]
Craving some delicious Mee Goreng Mamak? 🍜 Here’s how you can make it without having to leave the house! This delicacy is very easy to make and, when cooked with Mazola oil, is sure to taste better than anything you can find outside 🤩 Ingredients: 2 kg Mee Kuning 3 cloves of garlic (julienned) 4 […]
Made with a mix of crisp veggies and wrapped in a golden, crispy shell, these rolls are a textural delight😍 Our Veggie Spring Rolls recipe is a must-try for all food lovers🌯 The secret to that perfect crunch lies in using Mazola oil, which gives these rolls a golden and crispy texture😋 Ingredients: ½ Carrot […]
Calling out foodies!🍽️ Our Chicken Satay is a must-try dish that will leave you craving for more!🤤 Made with tender chicken marinated in a rich blend of coconut milk, soy sauce, and Mazola oil, these skewers are sure to impress. Don’t forget to drizzle on our homemade peanut sauce for a burst of flavor!🥜 INGREDIENTS […]
Love crispy snacks? Give these homemade Crispy Seaweed Crackers a try! They’re super easy to make, and when you fry them up with Mazola cooking oil, you’ll get that irresistible crunch and amazing flavor. Snack time just got better! 😋🥢 Ingredients:1 egg6 pieces spring roll wrapper6 pieces roasted seaweed1/2 tsp pepper1/2 tsp saltMazola oil Instructions: […]
Mengidam snek yang rangup, pedas, dan sedapppp?😋 Try la resepi Karipap kegemaran ramai ni! Hidangan minum petang yang lazat dibuat dengan minyak Mazola, sekali cuba pasti nak lagi!🥟 BAHAN-BAHANMinyak Mazola5g garam220g tepung gandum370ml air1 sudu besar bawang merah,hiris2 ulas bawang putih,kisar5g udang kering,kisar1 tangkai daun kari1 1⁄2 sudu kecil serbuk kari320g kentang, potong dadu CARA […]
Thinking of what to eat today? That’s a never ending question. Let Mazola give you the idea today with a delicious recipe! The Singaporean Chilli Crab. Much healthier with Mazola Oil.
Using Mazola Oil in your cooking is just the right way to a healthier start. And we love giving you healthy recipes using Mazola Oil and today let’s try making Super Delicious, Super Healthy, Shrimp Dumplings. Adding Mazola Oil into it just brings it to another level of deliciousness.
Fried Bee Hoon or Mee Hoon is a famous Singaporean street food noodle which you should never ever miss being a local or a foreigner. It is a local staple that is served in Singapore hawker stalls any time of the day. Why not try to make it at home using none other than the healthy Mazola Oil?
Fried chickens are absolutely delicious but they’re not as easy as you think. It needs the right formula to get perfectly cooked, crispy and crunchy fried chicken. With Mazola’s Fried Chicken Powder, you get the heavenly tasted fried chickens in no time.
Sesame Oil Chicken is a traditional dish that automatically reminds us of home. Let Mazola give you the recipe of this wonderful dish using Mazola’s Sesame Oil.
The Singaporean favourite dish Satay served with authentic peanut sauce is something we can serve for an extravagant event or just a small gathering with friends and family.
The Hainanese Chicken rice is widely famous and loved by many especially people in Singapore. This classic dish never gets old and let us share you the recipe of this tasty Hainanese Chicken Rice today.
Singaporean Laksa is definitely a rich dish full of flavours. From its delicious aroma to its texture and taste, it is simply irreplaceable. How about making this unique dish even richer with Mazola Oil?
Scotch eggs can be this easy? This is a recipe so amazing that it is almost impossible not to share it with our fans! Here’s a Scotch Egg recipe for you guys today.
Mazola cares for your health, so here’s a healthy and super simple recipe to make you feel a lot younger! Vitamin A, B, and C all in 1 pot !
Let’s try this trending recipe on how to make Cake in a Can! Mazola loves to share unique recipes and this one is simply too hard to miss .
As intimidating as it sounds, it’s equally yummy too! Let’s try this Pontianak Fried Egg with Rice recipe by with Mazola today.
Now you can make Best Pattaya Fried Rice in Town at your home! Here’s the foolproof recipe.
Just like its name, it is just Insatiable and you can never stop taking another bite. Presenting you the recipe of The Rich Insatiable Chocolate Pudding Cake from Mazola.
Finding a delicious Vegan recipe can be tricky. Well, why worry when Mazola is here for you, ALWAYS! Here’s a super delicious Vegan Char Kuey Teow Recipe for everyone.
Easy to cook, tastes AMAZING with Mazola Oil and what else can we ask for in Crispy Lemon Chicken? Here’s the recipe!
Like yeah seriously what can go wrong with Fried Chicken? Nothing, absolutely nothing! Here’s the recipe
Resipi vegetarian mudah untuk semua, Nasi Goreng Vegan. Bukan saja sedap, ia juga juga sihat! Resipi untuk semua dan jangan lupa untuk menggunakan minyak masak MAZOLA untuk masakan yang lebih sihat.
Rasa masakan eksotik dan unik ini bukan saja masin manis, ia juga pedas dan kaya dengan aroma butter dan bawang putih. Hidangan ini sangat mudah dimasak. Pastikan anda mengguna minyak MAZOLA untuk hidangan yang lebih sihat setiap hari!
Ayam Penyet is a famous Indonesian cuisine that grew popular tremendously in Malaysia for the past years. It is spicy, delicious and full of spices to make it tastier for food lovers. Let MAZOLA share with you the recipe so that you can make it on your own!
Resipi ini datang tepat pada masanya sebelum Festival Bot Naga untuk anda membuat Bak Chang tradisionall! Kini anda boleh menarik perhatian keluarga dan rakan dengan Bak Chang yang sedap ini!
Selain Nasi Lemak, Rendang dianggap sebagai salah satu hidangan kebangsaan tidak rasmi Malaysia. Hidangan ini berasal dari Indonesia, tetapi banyak dimasak di Malaysia terutamanya untuk sambutan Aidilfitri dan Aidiladha.
Pencuci mulut lembut, gebu, manis dan sihat sesuai untuk anda dan keluarga! Cuba resipi Kek Gula Perang Kukus dengan Minyak Kanola Mazola kami. Sedap, sihat dan sangat ringkas, anda boleh menyediakannya untuk orang tersayang pada bila-bila masa sepanjang hari!
Yes you can buy a bread loaf in a split second. But have you ever tried making one by yourself? Let’s try making a super easy homemade bread using Mazola Oil today.
Telur dadar tiram(Oyster Omelette) adalah masakan yang menjadi terkenal di Penang melalui pengaruh Teochew. Mazola akan kongsikan resepi hidangan lazat Penang ini dengan versi yang lebih sihat.
Having home-cooked food always gives the assurance that it is clean and healthy but with Mazola oil, you can guarantee that your healthy lifestyle will continue “Mazola oil is the best option for the whole family.
Baklava is a traditional Turkish Dessert which is loved by many Bruneians – Making Baklavas using Mazola Canola Oil is the best option to have your desserts clean, healthy and definitely tasty.
Still thinking of the delicious taste of Raya dishes? Especially the taste of the flavour some juicy Ayam Goreng Berempah? Mazola to the rescue! Here’s the recipe of super yummy Ayam Goreng Berempah.
Teatime is our favourite meal of the day! Lets make crunchy, fluffy and tasty Cekodok Pisang with Mazola Oil today.
No more feeling guilty when enjoying your favourite Roti Canai Cook it healthy with Mazola Oil Recipe below
We can never say no to Karipap Pusing. They’re yummy and the heavenly filling is just mouth-watering. Now, do you know a secret ingredient that makes any Karipap Pusing delicious? Don’t tell anyone but it is Mazola oil!
Apa kata kita cuba resepi Pre CNY hari ni! Untuk menjadikan ini lebih istimewa, Mazola ingin kongsikan Resepi Butter Prawn yang lazat.
MAZOLA brings you the delicious Banana Cake recipe so that you can enjoy everyone’s favorite fruit in an even more delicious dish! Not only that, Banana Cake is an incredibly healthy dish for you and your loved ones.
MAZOLA brings you a delicious Chinese recipe today, The Kung Pao Chicken. Amazingly delicious yet so healthy with very low calories per serving. Let’s cook it at home with MAZOLA oils for healthier meals everyday!
An easy yet delicious and healthy recipe, The Chinese Fried Rice. With easy steps and ingredients, this meal can be cooked in less than 30 minutes. Get your MAZOLA oils today to cook Chinese Fried Rice in an even healthier way!
Mazola brings you a Chinese classic recipe for you try at home! Using the famous healthy broccoli vegetable paired with beef and red peppers, this dish is not only delicious, but incredibly healthy as well!
Sweet Sour Fish dish is an incredibly famous recipe in our lovely country, Malaysia. Almost every seafood restaurant made this recipe as their signature dish and always a top choice for restaurants’ customers.
Roti is staple food. But why always the same old conventional roti? Let’s make Roti Jala for a change! Yummy! Your tummy and whole family will be delighted by this simple, practical and delicious recipe!
Thinking of what to cook for the fam? Here’s our Traditional Chicken Rendang Recipe! This local favourite is a dish to die for. Not only is it simple to whip up, it tastes amazing and made even healthier with our Mazola Oil!
Impress your loved ones and guests this Hari Raya with our Kek Batik Dark Chocolate Ganache Recipe! It is a simple yet exquisite indulgence suitable for any celebration and festive moods.
With Mazola Oil, everything gets better and healthier. That’s not a statement but a fact. Pumpkins contain high antioxidant content just like how Mazola Oil does. What great combo will it be if we use them both for a delicious Pumpkin Muffin recipe.
Who doesn’t love Ais Krim Goreng? It is so crispy on the outside and chilly on the inside. Just the perfect dessert anybody can make at home, even more fun with Mazola Oil.
Lala Masak Kam Heong, a favourite Paired with fragrant rice, it can’t get any better Let’s make a healthier version of it with Mazola Oil today.
It is tangy, sweet and just so flavour some With Mazola oil, you can make the healthy version of it and it just boosts the flavours in it Let’s try making Tomyam Goong Soup today with Mazola, your righteous choice.
Kek Minyak is a delicious dessert with just the right amount of sweetness. You can make it a healthy dessert with Mazola Oil Let’s try a worth trying recipe, Kek Minyak Red Velvet .
Cream Puffs need western techniques and skills? Not at all Here’s the recipe on how you can make Cream Puffs using Mazola Oil at home
Mazola Cooking Oil is not only good for adults, it is also good for kids They become healthy and have an appetite to eat when we prepare delicious and nutritious food Here is a recipe for a tasty banana muffin that your little ones will enjoy.
Mazola Oil, always your healthier choice! Here’s the Best Sambal Tumis Nasi Lemak Recipe for you guys.
With Mazola Oil, everything is so delicious and HEALTHY We’d like to share this healthy, yummy and definitely cheezyy Homemade Pizza recipe today! Enjoy.
Boiled Egg Tom Yum? Sounds tasty! Here’s the Boiled Egg Tom Yum recipe by Limau Nipis Official. Don’t forget to use Mazola Oil when trying it out!
Sorry but we’re getting all mouth-watery when the name Sizzling Yee Mee pops out. And using Mazola Oil to make it at home? Gosh how delicious that would be!
We think the perfect dish for any gathering or movie nights would be Soy Sauce Chicken Wings! Perfect bite size chicken wings made delicious and healthy with our Mazola Oil!
Who said we can’t have delicious food when we’re trying to stay healthy? Not true at all check out this Chicken Kurma recipe that looks soooo good and why worry when we have Mazola Oil to make it so much healthier?
Today Mazola would like to share this recipe. Gulai Ikan Tumis Darat. Mind-blowing, delicious gravy will make it almost impossible for you to put your spoon down once you start feasting!
Teatime is ready Because we have the best Bakwan Jagung recipe from Adik Foods. Use Mazola Oil for a crispy and tasty Bakwan Jagung
Be it Roti Canai, Nasi Biriyani or plain rice, Indian Mutton Curry is always so delicious to be paired with. The juicy and tender mutton is out of this world. How about making it ourselves using Mazola Oil for better taste?
Pecinta sayur bening harus banget nih cobain resep sayur bening oyong! Karena memang se comfort itu, perpaduan hangat kuahnya dan tekstur oyong yang lembut, bisa banget dikonsumsi saat MazoFams gak punya selera makan.
Calling out foodies!🍽️ Our Chicken Satay is a must-try dish that will leave you craving for more!🤤 Made with tender chicken marinated in a rich blend of coconut milk, soy sauce, and Mazola oil, these skewers are sure to impress. Don’t forget to drizzle on our homemade peanut sauce for a burst of flavor!🥜 INGREDIENTS […]
Fried Bee Hoon or Mee Hoon is a famous Singaporean street food noodle which you should never ever miss being a local or a foreigner. It is a local staple that is served in Singapore hawker stalls any time of the day. Why not try to make it at home using none other than the healthy Mazola Oil?
The Hainanese Chicken rice is widely famous and loved by many especially people in Singapore. This classic dish never gets old and let us share you the recipe of this tasty Hainanese Chicken Rice today.
As intimidating as it sounds, it’s equally yummy too! Let’s try this Pontianak Fried Egg with Rice recipe by with Mazola today.
Now you can make Best Pattaya Fried Rice in Town at your home! Here’s the foolproof recipe.
Finding a delicious Vegan recipe can be tricky. Well, why worry when Mazola is here for you, ALWAYS! Here’s a super delicious Vegan Char Kuey Teow Recipe for everyone.
Resipi vegetarian mudah untuk semua, Nasi Goreng Vegan. Bukan saja sedap, ia juga juga sihat! Resipi untuk semua dan jangan lupa untuk menggunakan minyak masak MAZOLA untuk masakan yang lebih sihat.
Yes you can buy a bread loaf in a split second. But have you ever tried making one by yourself? Let’s try making a super easy homemade bread using Mazola Oil today.
No more feeling guilty when enjoying your favourite Roti Canai Cook it healthy with Mazola Oil Recipe below
We can never say no to Karipap Pusing. They’re yummy and the heavenly filling is just mouth-watering. Now, do you know a secret ingredient that makes any Karipap Pusing delicious? Don’t tell anyone but it is Mazola oil!
An easy yet delicious and healthy recipe, The Chinese Fried Rice. With easy steps and ingredients, this meal can be cooked in less than 30 minutes. Get your MAZOLA oils today to cook Chinese Fried Rice in an even healthier way!
Bekal sehat nggak perlu ribet! Tumis Brokoli Wortel dengan Mazola Soya Bean Oil bisa siap dalam hitungan menit, lezat, dan penuh nutrisi. Mazola Soya Bean Oil juga memiliki rasa khas kedelai yang cocok untuk masakan berbahan dairy. Save konten ini untuk resep sehatmu!
Musim hujan emang paling enak makan yang anget-anget seperti sup krim jagung ayam ini! Selain bisa menghangatkan tubuh, rasanya yang creamy dan gurih juga bikin nagih. So, jangan lupa recook ya MazoFams!
Pecinta sayur bening harus banget nih cobain resep sayur bening oyong! Karena memang se comfort itu, perpaduan hangat kuahnya dan tekstur oyong yang lembut, bisa banget dikonsumsi saat MazoFams gak punya selera makan.
It’s protein time! MazoFams tau gak sih, ternyata masih banyak orang Indonesia yang kekurangan protein loh. Nah, jadi gak ada salahnya nih masak menu yang tinggi protein di rumah seperti Sapo Tahu Telur ini. Nikmat banget dimakan saat hangat, karena bisa jadi comfort food buat MazoFams.
Siapa nih yang skin care nya mahal? Untungnya ada ceker ayam!! Yuk konsumsi skin care MazoFams dari sekarang dengan Sop Ceker Ayam Sayur ini. Caranya mudah dan harga bahan-bahannya juga murah, the best banget deh pokoknya!
Daging bagian dada merupakan salah satu bagian paling sehat loh MazoFams. Selain sehat, ada banyak banget menu yang bisa MazoFams bikin, salah satunya ayam teriyaki! Buat MazoFams yang mau coba, cus langsung recook aja yuk menunya!
Siapa yang suka tempura ala Jepang? Yuk bikin pakai resep dari Mazola. Gampang banget loh caranya, daripada beli di luar mending bikin sendiri. Bisa dapat banyak dan lebih sehat!
Tumis Kangkung jadi salah satu makanan favorit keluarga Indonesia, karena mudah dibuat dan rasanya yang enak! Ada banyak banget cara menumis kangkung, salah satunya jadi kangkung saus tiram ala Mazola. Kalau penasaran hasil resepnya, yuk MazoFams langsung recook aja, karena emang segampang itu!
Telur dadar ala rumah makan padang itu emang beda ya MazoFams rasanya. Lebih gurih dan lebih tebal. Tapi ternyata gampang banget kan cara bikinnya! So, tunggu apalagi, jangan lupa recook dan masak pakai Mazola ya!
Gorengan tahu bakso jadi salah satu camilan favorit keluarga Indonesia. Apalagi kalau bikin sendiri dan dimakan pakai cabe rawit pas lagi anget-angetnya… yumm bikin nagih ya MazoFams. Yuk MazoFams langsung recook tahu bakso ala Mazola di rumah!
Menu simple dan sehat karena tinggi protein. Cocok banget buat MazoFams yang lagi diet!! Cara bikinnya gampang rasanya simple gurih bikin nagih. Langsung recook yuk MazoFams!
Resep tumis buncis bawang putih! Sayuran yang bisa bantu turunkan kolesterol MazoFams. Yuk langsung recook aja dirumah, cara masaknya gampang dan simple banget, tapi soal rasa dijamin gurih banget!
🎣 Reel in the compliments with our Fish Head Curry Recipe! This aromatic dish is a feast for the senses, and when cooked with Mazola cooking oil, every bite is infused with perfection. Let’s get cooking!😋 Ingredients 1 fish 3 tsp tamarind paste 800ml water 8 garlic clove(s) 3 shallot(s) 10 chilli peppers (dried) 50g […]
Hop into the kitchen and give our lip-smacking Loh Bak recipe a try!🍽️ Discover the magic of Mazola oil as it transforms your dish into a crispy, flavorful delight😋🥢 Recipe below👇🏻 Ingredients 500g lean meat 100g jicama 5 water chestnuts 1 red onion 1 cucumber 500ml Mazola oil for frying Marinade: 3 tbsp sugar 2 […]
Love fried rice?🍤🐙🍗 Try the delicious Nasi Goreng USA made with Mazola cooking oil!😋🥢 Cook it at home with Mazola for a mouthwatering experience! Recipe below. Ingredients: 2 tbsp Mazola oil 2 garlic clove 1 cm ginger 2 tbsp chilli paste 100g chicken meat 1⁄2 capsicum 1 onion 2 tomato 2 tbsp tomato sauce 1⁄2 […]
Spice up your day with our Nasi Katok recipe! 🍛🌶️ Mazola oil makes it even better with its rich flavor and perfect texture. Try it out, snap a pic of your dish and tag us! We’re excited to see your tasty creations! 📸 Ingredients: 4 chicken thighs 1 egg 25g flour 25g cornstarch Mazola oil […]
🌶️ Craving a fiery feast? Our Sarawak Laksa Recipe is here to spice things up!🔥 Don’t forget to cook it with Mazola oil for that perfect balance of flavor and healthiness. Let’s whip up some magic in the kitchen! 🥢 Ingredients 300g rice vermicelli, presoaked until just soft 300g yellow noodles 300g sarawak laksa paste […]
🍜 Craving some Penang Hokkien Mee? 🤤 Let’s whip up this flavorful dish together! Our secret ingredient? Mazola cooking oil, of course! It brings out the authentic taste and makes every bite just perfect👩🍳👨🍳 Ingredients 250g beef tenderloin 1kg beef rib bones 300g shelled prawns 500g shrimp heads and shells 1/2 cup dried baby shrimps […]
Dive into Malaysian flavors with our Nasi Goreng Kampung recipe!🌶️🐟 This signature Malay dish is bursting with flavor from dried anchovies and bird’s eye chilies. Cook it up with Mazola oil for a perfect blend of taste and health🍚 Ingredients 2 tbsps of Dried Anchovies 2-3 tbsps of Mazola oil 2 Servings of Cooked Rice […]
Calling out foodies!🍽️ Our Chicken Satay is a must-try dish that will leave you craving for more!🤤 Made with tender chicken marinated in a rich blend of coconut milk, soy sauce, and Mazola oil, these skewers are sure to impress. Don’t forget to drizzle on our homemade peanut sauce for a burst of flavor!🥜 INGREDIENTS […]
Thinking of what to eat today? That’s a never ending question. Let Mazola give you the idea today with a delicious recipe! The Singaporean Chilli Crab. Much healthier with Mazola Oil.
Fried Bee Hoon or Mee Hoon is a famous Singaporean street food noodle which you should never ever miss being a local or a foreigner. It is a local staple that is served in Singapore hawker stalls any time of the day. Why not try to make it at home using none other than the healthy Mazola Oil?
Fried chickens are absolutely delicious but they’re not as easy as you think. It needs the right formula to get perfectly cooked, crispy and crunchy fried chicken. With Mazola’s Fried Chicken Powder, you get the heavenly tasted fried chickens in no time.
Sesame Oil Chicken is a traditional dish that automatically reminds us of home. Let Mazola give you the recipe of this wonderful dish using Mazola’s Sesame Oil.
The Singaporean favourite dish Satay served with authentic peanut sauce is something we can serve for an extravagant event or just a small gathering with friends and family.
The Hainanese Chicken rice is widely famous and loved by many especially people in Singapore. This classic dish never gets old and let us share you the recipe of this tasty Hainanese Chicken Rice today.
Singaporean Laksa is definitely a rich dish full of flavours. From its delicious aroma to its texture and taste, it is simply irreplaceable. How about making this unique dish even richer with Mazola Oil?
Scotch eggs can be this easy? This is a recipe so amazing that it is almost impossible not to share it with our fans! Here’s a Scotch Egg recipe for you guys today.
Mazola cares for your health, so here’s a healthy and super simple recipe to make you feel a lot younger! Vitamin A, B, and C all in 1 pot !
As intimidating as it sounds, it’s equally yummy too! Let’s try this Pontianak Fried Egg with Rice recipe by with Mazola today.
Now you can make Best Pattaya Fried Rice in Town at your home! Here’s the foolproof recipe.
Finding a delicious Vegan recipe can be tricky. Well, why worry when Mazola is here for you, ALWAYS! Here’s a super delicious Vegan Char Kuey Teow Recipe for everyone.
Easy to cook, tastes AMAZING with Mazola Oil and what else can we ask for in Crispy Lemon Chicken? Here’s the recipe!
Like yeah seriously what can go wrong with Fried Chicken? Nothing, absolutely nothing! Here’s the recipe
Resipi vegetarian mudah untuk semua, Nasi Goreng Vegan. Bukan saja sedap, ia juga juga sihat! Resipi untuk semua dan jangan lupa untuk menggunakan minyak masak MAZOLA untuk masakan yang lebih sihat.
Rasa masakan eksotik dan unik ini bukan saja masin manis, ia juga pedas dan kaya dengan aroma butter dan bawang putih. Hidangan ini sangat mudah dimasak. Pastikan anda mengguna minyak MAZOLA untuk hidangan yang lebih sihat setiap hari!
Ayam Penyet is a famous Indonesian cuisine that grew popular tremendously in Malaysia for the past years. It is spicy, delicious and full of spices to make it tastier for food lovers. Let MAZOLA share with you the recipe so that you can make it on your own!
Resipi ini datang tepat pada masanya sebelum Festival Bot Naga untuk anda membuat Bak Chang tradisionall! Kini anda boleh menarik perhatian keluarga dan rakan dengan Bak Chang yang sedap ini!
Selain Nasi Lemak, Rendang dianggap sebagai salah satu hidangan kebangsaan tidak rasmi Malaysia. Hidangan ini berasal dari Indonesia, tetapi banyak dimasak di Malaysia terutamanya untuk sambutan Aidilfitri dan Aidiladha.
Having home-cooked food always gives the assurance that it is clean and healthy but with Mazola oil, you can guarantee that your healthy lifestyle will continue “Mazola oil is the best option for the whole family.
Still thinking of the delicious taste of Raya dishes? Especially the taste of the flavour some juicy Ayam Goreng Berempah? Mazola to the rescue! Here’s the recipe of super yummy Ayam Goreng Berempah.
No more feeling guilty when enjoying your favourite Roti Canai Cook it healthy with Mazola Oil Recipe below
Apa kata kita cuba resepi Pre CNY hari ni! Untuk menjadikan ini lebih istimewa, Mazola ingin kongsikan Resepi Butter Prawn yang lazat.
MAZOLA brings you a delicious Chinese recipe today, The Kung Pao Chicken. Amazingly delicious yet so healthy with very low calories per serving. Let’s cook it at home with MAZOLA oils for healthier meals everyday!
Mazola brings you a Chinese classic recipe for you try at home! Using the famous healthy broccoli vegetable paired with beef and red peppers, this dish is not only delicious, but incredibly healthy as well!
Sweet Sour Fish dish is an incredibly famous recipe in our lovely country, Malaysia. Almost every seafood restaurant made this recipe as their signature dish and always a top choice for restaurants’ customers.
Thinking of what to cook for the fam? Here’s our Traditional Chicken Rendang Recipe! This local favourite is a dish to die for. Not only is it simple to whip up, it tastes amazing and made even healthier with our Mazola Oil!
Lala Masak Kam Heong, a favourite Paired with fragrant rice, it can’t get any better Let’s make a healthier version of it with Mazola Oil today.
It is tangy, sweet and just so flavour some With Mazola oil, you can make the healthy version of it and it just boosts the flavours in it Let’s try making Tomyam Goong Soup today with Mazola, your righteous choice.
Boiled Egg Tom Yum? Sounds tasty! Here’s the Boiled Egg Tom Yum recipe by Limau Nipis Official. Don’t forget to use Mazola Oil when trying it out!
Sorry but we’re getting all mouth-watery when the name Sizzling Yee Mee pops out. And using Mazola Oil to make it at home? Gosh how delicious that would be!
We think the perfect dish for any gathering or movie nights would be Soy Sauce Chicken Wings! Perfect bite size chicken wings made delicious and healthy with our Mazola Oil!
Who said we can’t have delicious food when we’re trying to stay healthy? Not true at all check out this Chicken Kurma recipe that looks soooo good and why worry when we have Mazola Oil to make it so much healthier?
Be it Roti Canai, Nasi Biriyani or plain rice, Indian Mutton Curry is always so delicious to be paired with. The juicy and tender mutton is out of this world. How about making it ourselves using Mazola Oil for better taste?
Bekal sehat nggak perlu ribet! Tumis Brokoli Wortel dengan Mazola Soya Bean Oil bisa siap dalam hitungan menit, lezat, dan penuh nutrisi. Mazola Soya Bean Oil juga memiliki rasa khas kedelai yang cocok untuk masakan berbahan dairy. Save konten ini untuk resep sehatmu!
It’s protein time! MazoFams tau gak sih, ternyata masih banyak orang Indonesia yang kekurangan protein loh. Nah, jadi gak ada salahnya nih masak menu yang tinggi protein di rumah seperti Sapo Tahu Telur ini. Nikmat banget dimakan saat hangat, karena bisa jadi comfort food buat MazoFams.
Siapa nih yang skin care nya mahal? Untungnya ada ceker ayam!! Yuk konsumsi skin care MazoFams dari sekarang dengan Sop Ceker Ayam Sayur ini. Caranya mudah dan harga bahan-bahannya juga murah, the best banget deh pokoknya!
Daging bagian dada merupakan salah satu bagian paling sehat loh MazoFams. Selain sehat, ada banyak banget menu yang bisa MazoFams bikin, salah satunya ayam teriyaki! Buat MazoFams yang mau coba, cus langsung recook aja yuk menunya!
Siapa yang suka tempura ala Jepang? Yuk bikin pakai resep dari Mazola. Gampang banget loh caranya, daripada beli di luar mending bikin sendiri. Bisa dapat banyak dan lebih sehat!
Telur dadar ala rumah makan padang itu emang beda ya MazoFams rasanya. Lebih gurih dan lebih tebal. Tapi ternyata gampang banget kan cara bikinnya! So, tunggu apalagi, jangan lupa recook dan masak pakai Mazola ya!
Gorengan tahu bakso jadi salah satu camilan favorit keluarga Indonesia. Apalagi kalau bikin sendiri dan dimakan pakai cabe rawit pas lagi anget-angetnya… yumm bikin nagih ya MazoFams. Yuk MazoFams langsung recook tahu bakso ala Mazola di rumah!
Menu simple dan sehat karena tinggi protein. Cocok banget buat MazoFams yang lagi diet!! Cara bikinnya gampang rasanya simple gurih bikin nagih. Langsung recook yuk MazoFams!
Resep tumis buncis bawang putih! Sayuran yang bisa bantu turunkan kolesterol MazoFams. Yuk langsung recook aja dirumah, cara masaknya gampang dan simple banget, tapi soal rasa dijamin gurih banget!
🎣 Reel in the compliments with our Fish Head Curry Recipe! This aromatic dish is a feast for the senses, and when cooked with Mazola cooking oil, every bite is infused with perfection. Let’s get cooking!😋 Ingredients 1 fish 3 tsp tamarind paste 800ml water 8 garlic clove(s) 3 shallot(s) 10 chilli peppers (dried) 50g […]
Hop into the kitchen and give our lip-smacking Loh Bak recipe a try!🍽️ Discover the magic of Mazola oil as it transforms your dish into a crispy, flavorful delight😋🥢 Recipe below👇🏻 Ingredients 500g lean meat 100g jicama 5 water chestnuts 1 red onion 1 cucumber 500ml Mazola oil for frying Marinade: 3 tbsp sugar 2 […]
Love fried rice?🍤🐙🍗 Try the delicious Nasi Goreng USA made with Mazola cooking oil!😋🥢 Cook it at home with Mazola for a mouthwatering experience! Recipe below. Ingredients: 2 tbsp Mazola oil 2 garlic clove 1 cm ginger 2 tbsp chilli paste 100g chicken meat 1⁄2 capsicum 1 onion 2 tomato 2 tbsp tomato sauce 1⁄2 […]
Spice up your day with our Nasi Katok recipe! 🍛🌶️ Mazola oil makes it even better with its rich flavor and perfect texture. Try it out, snap a pic of your dish and tag us! We’re excited to see your tasty creations! 📸 Ingredients: 4 chicken thighs 1 egg 25g flour 25g cornstarch Mazola oil […]
🌶️ Craving a fiery feast? Our Sarawak Laksa Recipe is here to spice things up!🔥 Don’t forget to cook it with Mazola oil for that perfect balance of flavor and healthiness. Let’s whip up some magic in the kitchen! 🥢 Ingredients 300g rice vermicelli, presoaked until just soft 300g yellow noodles 300g sarawak laksa paste […]
🍜 Craving some Penang Hokkien Mee? 🤤 Let’s whip up this flavorful dish together! Our secret ingredient? Mazola cooking oil, of course! It brings out the authentic taste and makes every bite just perfect👩🍳👨🍳 Ingredients 250g beef tenderloin 1kg beef rib bones 300g shelled prawns 500g shrimp heads and shells 1/2 cup dried baby shrimps […]
Dive into Malaysian flavors with our Nasi Goreng Kampung recipe!🌶️🐟 This signature Malay dish is bursting with flavor from dried anchovies and bird’s eye chilies. Cook it up with Mazola oil for a perfect blend of taste and health🍚 Ingredients 2 tbsps of Dried Anchovies 2-3 tbsps of Mazola oil 2 Servings of Cooked Rice […]
Craving some delicious Mee Goreng Mamak? 🍜 Here’s how you can make it without having to leave the house! This delicacy is very easy to make and, when cooked with Mazola oil, is sure to taste better than anything you can find outside 🤩 Ingredients: 2 kg Mee Kuning 3 cloves of garlic (julienned) 4 […]
Calling out foodies!🍽️ Our Chicken Satay is a must-try dish that will leave you craving for more!🤤 Made with tender chicken marinated in a rich blend of coconut milk, soy sauce, and Mazola oil, these skewers are sure to impress. Don’t forget to drizzle on our homemade peanut sauce for a burst of flavor!🥜 INGREDIENTS […]
Thinking of what to eat today? That’s a never ending question. Let Mazola give you the idea today with a delicious recipe! The Singaporean Chilli Crab. Much healthier with Mazola Oil.
Fried Bee Hoon or Mee Hoon is a famous Singaporean street food noodle which you should never ever miss being a local or a foreigner. It is a local staple that is served in Singapore hawker stalls any time of the day. Why not try to make it at home using none other than the healthy Mazola Oil?
Fried chickens are absolutely delicious but they’re not as easy as you think. It needs the right formula to get perfectly cooked, crispy and crunchy fried chicken. With Mazola’s Fried Chicken Powder, you get the heavenly tasted fried chickens in no time.
Sesame Oil Chicken is a traditional dish that automatically reminds us of home. Let Mazola give you the recipe of this wonderful dish using Mazola’s Sesame Oil.
The Singaporean favourite dish Satay served with authentic peanut sauce is something we can serve for an extravagant event or just a small gathering with friends and family.
Singaporean Laksa is definitely a rich dish full of flavours. From its delicious aroma to its texture and taste, it is simply irreplaceable. How about making this unique dish even richer with Mazola Oil?
Scotch eggs can be this easy? This is a recipe so amazing that it is almost impossible not to share it with our fans! Here’s a Scotch Egg recipe for you guys today.
Mazola cares for your health, so here’s a healthy and super simple recipe to make you feel a lot younger! Vitamin A, B, and C all in 1 pot !
As intimidating as it sounds, it’s equally yummy too! Let’s try this Pontianak Fried Egg with Rice recipe by with Mazola today.
Finding a delicious Vegan recipe can be tricky. Well, why worry when Mazola is here for you, ALWAYS! Here’s a super delicious Vegan Char Kuey Teow Recipe for everyone.
Like yeah seriously what can go wrong with Fried Chicken? Nothing, absolutely nothing! Here’s the recipe
Resipi vegetarian mudah untuk semua, Nasi Goreng Vegan. Bukan saja sedap, ia juga juga sihat! Resipi untuk semua dan jangan lupa untuk menggunakan minyak masak MAZOLA untuk masakan yang lebih sihat.
Rasa masakan eksotik dan unik ini bukan saja masin manis, ia juga pedas dan kaya dengan aroma butter dan bawang putih. Hidangan ini sangat mudah dimasak. Pastikan anda mengguna minyak MAZOLA untuk hidangan yang lebih sihat setiap hari!
Resipi ini datang tepat pada masanya sebelum Festival Bot Naga untuk anda membuat Bak Chang tradisionall! Kini anda boleh menarik perhatian keluarga dan rakan dengan Bak Chang yang sedap ini!
Selain Nasi Lemak, Rendang dianggap sebagai salah satu hidangan kebangsaan tidak rasmi Malaysia. Hidangan ini berasal dari Indonesia, tetapi banyak dimasak di Malaysia terutamanya untuk sambutan Aidilfitri dan Aidiladha.
Still thinking of the delicious taste of Raya dishes? Especially the taste of the flavour some juicy Ayam Goreng Berempah? Mazola to the rescue! Here’s the recipe of super yummy Ayam Goreng Berempah.
MAZOLA brings you a delicious Chinese recipe today, The Kung Pao Chicken. Amazingly delicious yet so healthy with very low calories per serving. Let’s cook it at home with MAZOLA oils for healthier meals everyday!
An easy yet delicious and healthy recipe, The Chinese Fried Rice. With easy steps and ingredients, this meal can be cooked in less than 30 minutes. Get your MAZOLA oils today to cook Chinese Fried Rice in an even healthier way!
Mazola brings you a Chinese classic recipe for you try at home! Using the famous healthy broccoli vegetable paired with beef and red peppers, this dish is not only delicious, but incredibly healthy as well!
Sweet Sour Fish dish is an incredibly famous recipe in our lovely country, Malaysia. Almost every seafood restaurant made this recipe as their signature dish and always a top choice for restaurants’ customers.
Lala Masak Kam Heong, a favourite Paired with fragrant rice, it can’t get any better Let’s make a healthier version of it with Mazola Oil today.
We think the perfect dish for any gathering or movie nights would be Soy Sauce Chicken Wings! Perfect bite size chicken wings made delicious and healthy with our Mazola Oil!
Who said we can’t have delicious food when we’re trying to stay healthy? Not true at all check out this Chicken Kurma recipe that looks soooo good and why worry when we have Mazola Oil to make it so much healthier?
Today Mazola would like to share this recipe. Gulai Ikan Tumis Darat. Mind-blowing, delicious gravy will make it almost impossible for you to put your spoon down once you start feasting!
Be it Roti Canai, Nasi Biriyani or plain rice, Indian Mutton Curry is always so delicious to be paired with. The juicy and tender mutton is out of this world. How about making it ourselves using Mazola Oil for better taste?
Bekal sehat nggak perlu ribet! Tumis Brokoli Wortel dengan Mazola Soya Bean Oil bisa siap dalam hitungan menit, lezat, dan penuh nutrisi. Mazola Soya Bean Oil juga memiliki rasa khas kedelai yang cocok untuk masakan berbahan dairy. Save konten ini untuk resep sehatmu!
Musim hujan emang paling enak makan yang anget-anget seperti sup krim jagung ayam ini! Selain bisa menghangatkan tubuh, rasanya yang creamy dan gurih juga bikin nagih. So, jangan lupa recook ya MazoFams!
Who loves Pumpkin? Makanan khas perayaan Halloween ini ternyata gampang banget. Cocok juga dijadikan menu saat MazoFams kurang sehat dan gak nafsu makan nasi.
Siapa yang suka tempura ala Jepang? Yuk bikin pakai resep dari Mazola. Gampang banget loh caranya, daripada beli di luar mending bikin sendiri. Bisa dapat banyak dan lebih sehat!
Telur dadar ala rumah makan padang itu emang beda ya MazoFams rasanya. Lebih gurih dan lebih tebal. Tapi ternyata gampang banget kan cara bikinnya! So, tunggu apalagi, jangan lupa recook dan masak pakai Mazola ya!
Gorengan tahu bakso jadi salah satu camilan favorit keluarga Indonesia. Apalagi kalau bikin sendiri dan dimakan pakai cabe rawit pas lagi anget-angetnya… yumm bikin nagih ya MazoFams. Yuk MazoFams langsung recook tahu bakso ala Mazola di rumah!
Add some excitement to your mealtime with our Hokkien Mee Recipe!🍜🔥 Made with Mazola oil for that perfect sizzle, this classic Singaporean dish promises to delight your taste buds😋 Ingredients 250g beef tenderloin 1kg beef rib bones 300g shelled prawns 500g shrimp heads and shells 1/2 cup dried baby shrimps 3 litres water 2 tbsp […]
Feel the essence of Singapore through our Singapore Katong Laksa recipe! 🍜💖 Crafted with genuine flavors and Mazola oil, this spicy coconut curry soup is a must for every laksa enthusiast. Get set to savor a bowl of heartwarming goodness! 🥄🌟 Ingredients Spice Paste: 15 dried red chillies 75g dried shrimp 100g shallots (peeled) 5 […]
🍤 Craving a taste of Singapore? Let’s try our Singapore Cereal Prawns Recipe! 🇸🇬✨ With Mazola oil adding its magic touch, these crispy and flavorful prawns will transport you straight to the streets of Singapore. Get cooking and enjoy the deliciousness! 🍽️🌟 Ingredients 2 ½ tbsp all-purpose flour 2 ½ tbsp cornflour 1 egg 1 […]
Crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside—that’s the magic of Har Cheong Gai! Our simple Shrimp Paste Chicken recipe is a surefire way to satisfy your cravings🍤🍗 With Mazola cooking oil, it’ll cook to perfection and your family will be asking for seconds!😍 INGREDIENTS 500g chicken wings Mazola oil for frying Batter: ¼ cup […]
Craving a dish that’s crispy on the outside and soft on the inside? Our Vegan Chai Tow Kway, Fried Carrot Cake recipe is the answer! Made with a touch of Mazola oil, these golden cubes are packed with flavor and texture✨ The secret to the perfect crispy texture is our trusted cooking oil😋 INGREDIENTS For […]
Get your chopsticks ready!🥢🥟 Try our mouthwatering Chinese Dumplings recipe for the upcoming Chinese New Year!🏮 With Mazola cooking oil, you’ll achieve the perfect golden brown crust and a deliciously juicy filling😋 Get ready to impress your taste buds and share the joy with your loved ones! ❤️ Ingredients: 200g ground meat 8-10 medium-sized shrimp […]
Ambuyat fans, we’ve got something special for you! Dive into our simple and yummy Ambuyat recipe. Using Mazola cooking oil, you can achieve the perfect consistency and flavor. Share your Ambuyat pics! 📸💬 Ingredients 1 cup sago starch (also known as ambulong or ambuyat flour) 4-5 cups water Fried fish or shrimp (optional) Fresh vegetables […]
Whip up a batch of Apam Balik with our mouthwatering recipe!🥞 Thanks to Mazola cooking oil, each pancake is irresistibly crispy on the outside and irresistibly delicious on the inside!😋 INGREDIENTS Batter: Mazola oil for frying 1 cup all purpose flour ½ cup self rising flour ¾ teaspoon baking soda ⅛ teaspoon salt 1 ½ […]
Using Mazola Oil in your cooking is just the right way to a healthier start. And we love giving you healthy recipes using Mazola Oil and today let’s try making Super Delicious, Super Healthy, Shrimp Dumplings. Adding Mazola Oil into it just brings it to another level of deliciousness.
Fried chickens are absolutely delicious but they’re not as easy as you think. It needs the right formula to get perfectly cooked, crispy and crunchy fried chicken. With Mazola’s Fried Chicken Powder, you get the heavenly tasted fried chickens in no time.
The Singaporean favourite dish Satay served with authentic peanut sauce is something we can serve for an extravagant event or just a small gathering with friends and family.
Like yeah seriously what can go wrong with Fried Chicken? Nothing, absolutely nothing! Here’s the recipe
Resipi ini datang tepat pada masanya sebelum Festival Bot Naga untuk anda membuat Bak Chang tradisionall! Kini anda boleh menarik perhatian keluarga dan rakan dengan Bak Chang yang sedap ini!
Telur dadar tiram(Oyster Omelette) adalah masakan yang menjadi terkenal di Penang melalui pengaruh Teochew. Mazola akan kongsikan resepi hidangan lazat Penang ini dengan versi yang lebih sihat.
Roti is staple food. But why always the same old conventional roti? Let’s make Roti Jala for a change! Yummy! Your tummy and whole family will be delighted by this simple, practical and delicious recipe!
Mazola Cooking Oil is not only good for adults, it is also good for kids They become healthy and have an appetite to eat when we prepare delicious and nutritious food Here is a recipe for a tasty banana muffin that your little ones will enjoy.
Mazola Oil, always your healthier choice! Here’s the Best Sambal Tumis Nasi Lemak Recipe for you guys.
With Mazola Oil, everything is so delicious and HEALTHY We’d like to share this healthy, yummy and definitely cheezyy Homemade Pizza recipe today! Enjoy.
Dessert but healthy?! Karena terbuat dari tahu dan yuzu yang kaya akan manfaat. Yuja Tofu Crème Brûlée by Chef Edward lee ini bisa banget masuk ke list healthy dessert kamu!
Who loves Pumpkin? Makanan khas perayaan Halloween ini ternyata gampang banget. Cocok juga dijadikan menu saat MazoFams kurang sehat dan gak nafsu makan nasi.
MazoFams suka horor vibes dan suka cemal-cemil? Wajib recook kue labu berhantu khas Halloween. Resepnya gampang diikuti dan cocok banget jadi teman minum kopi! So tunggu apalagi, langsung recook sekarang ya MazoFams!
Brownies panggang rumahan. Cocok banget loh buat dijadikan hadiah untuk orang tersayang di hari kasih sayang. Rasanya yang manis, melambangkan kasih sayang dan perasaan yang tulus. Yuk MazoFams, coba recook menunya dan berikan ke orang tersayang dengan bahagia!
Layers of happiness await with our Kuih Lapis recipe!🤍🩷 Made with love and Mazola Oil, this traditional treat is a true masterpiece. The smooth texture and delicate flavors will transport you to dessert heaven. Our recipe, enriched with Mazola oil, guarantees layers of happiness😋✨ Ingredients 350g Tapioca flour 100g Rice flour 50g Sago flour 500ml […]
🍪 Healthy cookies? Yes, please! Our recipe with Mazola oil is the perfect way to enjoy a sweet treat without the guilt. Ingredients For the cookies: 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt ¾ cup Mazola oil 1 cup sugar 1 large egg, slightly beaten 3 tablespoons whipping cream 1 […]
Discover the secret to perfect Kuih Bahulu by adding Mazola oil! ✨ Experience the essence of Malaysian culinary heritage with this light, fluffy treat that’s perfect for any occasion. Let Mazola be your trusted partner in creating culinary delights that bring joy to every table. Ingredients 3 large eggs 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla […]
Mengidam snek yang rangup, pedas, dan sedapppp?😋 Try la resepi Karipap kegemaran ramai ni! Hidangan minum petang yang lazat dibuat dengan minyak Mazola, sekali cuba pasti nak lagi!🥟 BAHAN-BAHANMinyak Mazola5g garam220g tepung gandum370ml air1 sudu besar bawang merah,hiris2 ulas bawang putih,kisar5g udang kering,kisar1 tangkai daun kari1 1⁄2 sudu kecil serbuk kari320g kentang, potong dadu CARA […]
Let’s try this trending recipe on how to make Cake in a Can! Mazola loves to share unique recipes and this one is simply too hard to miss .
Just like its name, it is just Insatiable and you can never stop taking another bite. Presenting you the recipe of The Rich Insatiable Chocolate Pudding Cake from Mazola.
Pencuci mulut lembut, gebu, manis dan sihat sesuai untuk anda dan keluarga! Cuba resipi Kek Gula Perang Kukus dengan Minyak Kanola Mazola kami. Sedap, sihat dan sangat ringkas, anda boleh menyediakannya untuk orang tersayang pada bila-bila masa sepanjang hari!
Baklava is a traditional Turkish Dessert which is loved by many Bruneians – Making Baklavas using Mazola Canola Oil is the best option to have your desserts clean, healthy and definitely tasty.
Teatime is our favourite meal of the day! Lets make crunchy, fluffy and tasty Cekodok Pisang with Mazola Oil today.
MAZOLA brings you the delicious Banana Cake recipe so that you can enjoy everyone’s favorite fruit in an even more delicious dish! Not only that, Banana Cake is an incredibly healthy dish for you and your loved ones.
Impress your loved ones and guests this Hari Raya with our Kek Batik Dark Chocolate Ganache Recipe! It is a simple yet exquisite indulgence suitable for any celebration and festive moods.
Kek Minyak is a delicious dessert with just the right amount of sweetness. You can make it a healthy dessert with Mazola Oil Let’s try a worth trying recipe, Kek Minyak Red Velvet .
Cream Puffs need western techniques and skills? Not at all Here’s the recipe on how you can make Cream Puffs using Mazola Oil at home
Mazola Cooking Oil is not only good for adults, it is also good for kids They become healthy and have an appetite to eat when we prepare delicious and nutritious food Here is a recipe for a tasty banana muffin that your little ones will enjoy.
Butuh opsi lain selain bakwan? Cobain Sweetcorn Fritters, kudapan sehat dan renyah yang mudah dibuat! Dengan Mazola Corn Oil, rasanya lebih ringan dan pas disandingkan dengan salsa segar. Cocok untuk camilan keluarga atau teman ngobrol sore.
Buka puasa ga pake gorengan rasanya kurang lengkap. Makanya langsung recook aja yuk resep bakwan jagung kemangi dari Mazola, dengan rasa manis, gurih dan asin. Cocok banget buat buka puasa bersama keluarga!
Brownies panggang rumahan. Cocok banget loh buat dijadikan hadiah untuk orang tersayang di hari kasih sayang. Rasanya yang manis, melambangkan kasih sayang dan perasaan yang tulus. Yuk MazoFams, coba recook menunya dan berikan ke orang tersayang dengan bahagia!
Check out our Kuih Sapit recipe! This crispy treat is perfect for any occasion, and with Mazola oil, it turns out extra delicious every time. Give it a try and share your baking adventures with us! 📸👩🏻🍳 Ingredients 220 grams of wheat flour 60 grams of rice flour 1 coconut 5 eggs 250 grams of […]
🍪 Healthy cookies? Yes, please! Our recipe with Mazola oil is the perfect way to enjoy a sweet treat without the guilt. Ingredients For the cookies: 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt ¾ cup Mazola oil 1 cup sugar 1 large egg, slightly beaten 3 tablespoons whipping cream 1 […]
Whip up a batch of Apam Balik with our mouthwatering recipe!🥞 Thanks to Mazola cooking oil, each pancake is irresistibly crispy on the outside and irresistibly delicious on the inside!😋 INGREDIENTS Batter: Mazola oil for frying 1 cup all purpose flour ½ cup self rising flour ¾ teaspoon baking soda ⅛ teaspoon salt 1 ½ […]
Made with a mix of crisp veggies and wrapped in a golden, crispy shell, these rolls are a textural delight😍 Our Veggie Spring Rolls recipe is a must-try for all food lovers🌯 The secret to that perfect crunch lies in using Mazola oil, which gives these rolls a golden and crispy texture😋 Ingredients: ½ Carrot […]
Love crispy snacks? Give these homemade Crispy Seaweed Crackers a try! They’re super easy to make, and when you fry them up with Mazola cooking oil, you’ll get that irresistible crunch and amazing flavor. Snack time just got better! 😋🥢 Ingredients:1 egg6 pieces spring roll wrapper6 pieces roasted seaweed1/2 tsp pepper1/2 tsp saltMazola oil Instructions: […]
Mengidam snek yang rangup, pedas, dan sedapppp?😋 Try la resepi Karipap kegemaran ramai ni! Hidangan minum petang yang lazat dibuat dengan minyak Mazola, sekali cuba pasti nak lagi!🥟 BAHAN-BAHANMinyak Mazola5g garam220g tepung gandum370ml air1 sudu besar bawang merah,hiris2 ulas bawang putih,kisar5g udang kering,kisar1 tangkai daun kari1 1⁄2 sudu kecil serbuk kari320g kentang, potong dadu CARA […]
Let’s try this trending recipe on how to make Cake in a Can! Mazola loves to share unique recipes and this one is simply too hard to miss .
Just like its name, it is just Insatiable and you can never stop taking another bite. Presenting you the recipe of The Rich Insatiable Chocolate Pudding Cake from Mazola.
Baklava is a traditional Turkish Dessert which is loved by many Bruneians – Making Baklavas using Mazola Canola Oil is the best option to have your desserts clean, healthy and definitely tasty.
Teatime is our favourite meal of the day! Lets make crunchy, fluffy and tasty Cekodok Pisang with Mazola Oil today.
We can never say no to Karipap Pusing. They’re yummy and the heavenly filling is just mouth-watering. Now, do you know a secret ingredient that makes any Karipap Pusing delicious? Don’t tell anyone but it is Mazola oil!
MAZOLA brings you the delicious Banana Cake recipe so that you can enjoy everyone’s favorite fruit in an even more delicious dish! Not only that, Banana Cake is an incredibly healthy dish for you and your loved ones.
With Mazola Oil, everything gets better and healthier. That’s not a statement but a fact. Pumpkins contain high antioxidant content just like how Mazola Oil does. What great combo will it be if we use them both for a delicious Pumpkin Muffin recipe.
Who doesn’t love Ais Krim Goreng? It is so crispy on the outside and chilly on the inside. Just the perfect dessert anybody can make at home, even more fun with Mazola Oil.
Kek Minyak is a delicious dessert with just the right amount of sweetness. You can make it a healthy dessert with Mazola Oil Let’s try a worth trying recipe, Kek Minyak Red Velvet .
Cream Puffs need western techniques and skills? Not at all Here’s the recipe on how you can make Cream Puffs using Mazola Oil at home
Mazola Cooking Oil is not only good for adults, it is also good for kids They become healthy and have an appetite to eat when we prepare delicious and nutritious food Here is a recipe for a tasty banana muffin that your little ones will enjoy.
Teatime is ready Because we have the best Bakwan Jagung recipe from Adik Foods. Use Mazola Oil for a crispy and tasty Bakwan Jagung