Boiled Egg Tom Yum? Sounds tasty! Here’s the Boiled Egg Tom Yum recipe by Limau Nipis Official. Don’t forget to use Mazola Oil when trying it out!
Recipe below
6 boiled eggs
1 chicken breast
3 garlic cloves
1/2 onion
2 tablespoons Tom Yum paste
2 tablespoons Thai dipping sauce/chili sauce
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
A little water
Small corn
- Boil 6 eggs, and peel them.
- Heat oil and fry boiled eggs that have been peeled until brown.
- Chopped the cauliflower, carrot, and small corn.
- Slice the chicken breast thinly.
- Heat mazola oil and saute garlic, red onion and tomyam paste then add a little bit of water.
- Add the chicken breast and cook until the chicken is almost cooked, then add Thai dipping sauce or chili sauce and
oyster sauce. - Add the chopped vegetables and cook until semi-soft. Then add fried boiled egg.
- Garnish with spring onions.
Rasa hidangan memang jadi best bila guna Minyak Mazola kan?🤤 Hari ni, Mazola ingin kongsi resepi Telur Rebus Tomyam oleh Limau Nipis Official! Memang padu👍🏼
- 6 biji telur rebus
- Minyak Mazola
- 1 bahagian dada ayam
- 3 ulas bawang putih
- 1/2 biji bawang besar
- 2 sudu besar pes tomyam
- 2 sudu besar sos pencicah thai/ sos cili
- 1 sudu besar sos tiram
- Sedikit air
- Lobak merah
- Kobis bunga
- Jagung kecil
- Daun bawang
- Rebus 6 biji telur, dan kupas.
- Panaskan minyak dan goreng telur rebus yang telah dikupas sehingga keperangan.
- Potong kobis bunga, lobak merah, dan jagung kecil
- Hiris dada ayam secara nipis dan kecil
- Panaskan minyak mazola dan tumis bawang putih, bawang merah dan pes tomyam lalu masukkan air mengikut citarasa.
- Masukkan dada ayam dan masak sehingga ayam hampir masak, lalu tambahkan sos pencicah thai atau sos cili dan sos tiram.
- Masukkan sayur-sayuran yang telah dipotong dan masak hingga separa lembut. Kemudian masukkan telur rebus goreng.
- Hiaskan dengan daun bawang.